Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fun Facts For Today

In Cleavland Ohio, It is illegal to catch mice with out a hunting licence. During The average Lifespan, Humans consume about 60,000 pounds of food. That's the weight of about 6 elephants. The First Coast to Coast Telephone line was established in 1914. The worlds largest amphibian is the giant salamander, it can grow up to 5 feet in length. In Athens Greece, a drivers licence can be taken away by police if the driver is deemed to be unbathed or poorly dressed. 23% of a photocopier breakdowns worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocoping thier butts. Farmers in England are required by law to provide their Pigs with toys. Pepsi Cola originally contained a chemical called Pepsin, thus it's name. The Main componet of human hair is keratin, which is also found in gazell horns, reptile scales, tortoise shells and, very probably, the definsive armor of dinosaurs.

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