Monday, February 26, 2007

IMBA National Mountain Bike Patrol

Well this past weekend I complete my IMBA Bike Patroller class put on by the Central Ohio Mountain Bike Organization, the final step to becoming certified. IMBA's National Mountain Bike Patrol program organizes and supports more than 60 volunteer bike patrol groups throughout the United States and the world.

Patrollers inform, assist and educate mountain bikers and other trail users. The fundamental goal of bike patrols is to ensure trail access for mountain bikers. It's one of those things that has several aspects I like : Riding your bike. Helping other people. Being involved in the management of your local trails. Learning and sharpening such skills as outdoor first aid, trail side bike repair, off-road riding, and communication. And considering the amount of time I spent at the local and regional trails riding, doing the bike patrol was a 'given' for me, to become involved and give back to the communtity. As far as requirements, IMBA has two mandatory requirements for membership in the National Mountain Bike Patrol: Current certification in basic First Aid and CPR. And successful completion of any of the following courses: A mountain bike patrol training course (taught by a local NMBP-affiliated group). A volunteer host training program (taught by local land manager). A ski area specific mountain bike patroller training (taught by a local ski area management or ski patrol).

What can you do as a rider who enjoys riding your local trails to get involved. Join IMBA!(The link is on your lower right.) And support your local trails with you membership. IMBA has many great benefits and they can also inform you of any local MTB groups or organizations in your area.

After all, What would we do without Trails?

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